Kamis, 20 September 2018

A Rundown Of The Risks Of Not Having Workers Compensation Insurance Orlando

By Diane Bell

Workers compensation laws vary from state to another. In the majorities of states, however, these laws will make it clear that it is mandatory for companies to have dependable policies that protect workers who fall sick or get injured on the job. There are some serious consequences of having employees, yet you do not have the needed coverage. If you require workers compensation insurance Orlando can offer you a reliable number of top rated policy providers.

If you fail to carry a policy, you could attract criminal charges. In such a situation, you would be accused of failing to obey the workers compensation insurance requirements within your state. You can face charges even if no one has been injured yet. Failing to carry coverage would get you charged for a fourth degree crime. An offender can get a $10,000 penalty or get imprisoned for up to one year, six months.

Apart from being charged with a crime, you could also get a stop-work order. Such an order typically attracts a penalty of up to $5,000 for the initial ten days of failing to comply with the law. Each ten day period thereafter of not obtaining the needed coverage would also attract an additional $5,000. The authorities can also prohibit you from using employee labor until you have purchased the necessary coverage.

Not having the needed coverage can also put you at risk of getting sued by a worker who gets injured on the job. In case of an incident, the injured employee will need payment to cover the incurred medical bills and also get cushioning from the wrath of not being able to earn wages for a certain period of time. If you do not have a policy, then the courts will force you to provide compensation from your wallet.

In case you get penalized, charged or sued, your business is bound to be at a great loss of profits. A court case to be precise can leave your company on its knees, possibly forcing you to end operations. Therefore, it is best for you to capitalize on a solid workers compensation policy before matters start going downhill.

The majorities of employers will want to know whether fault can affect eligibility. In some cases an employee can be entitled to getting compensated even if he or she played a role in an incident. When it comes to matters of employee compensation benefits, fault does not customarily play a role. This is unless an employee was not sober during the time of an accident or deliberately inflicted an injury on him or herself.

Proper coverage offers protection in case of any kind of accident. Workers therefore get compensated for any injuries suffered when they are actively on duty. They can also get paid in case they suffer from occupational diseases. In this case, however, one would have to prove that his or her health was affected over the course of employment.

If a worker wants to make a claim, the need for him or her to work with an experienced attorney must not be overlooked. The expert can offer guidance and make sure that no critical errors are made. It pays to embrace the fact that even minor errors can increase the risk of a claim being denied.

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