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Kamis, 05 Mei 2016

For Best Water Well Drillers West Texas Is The Way To Go

By Pamela Rogers

Water wells refer to excavation in the ground that are meant to provide access to groundwater for domestic as well as commercial use. Excavation of wells is done through various methods such as driving, boring, digging, and drilling. The choice of method is determined by various factors such as cost and type of well that is intended to be dug. When in need of some of the most experienced water well drillers West Texas is the best location to check out.

The history of wells is a long one. They have existed for almost as long as human beings. The first types were shallow and extended to short distances from the surface. However, as technology got better, methods of excavation became better too. Modern methods are very complex. They are more efficient, convenient, and simpler.

Classification of wells basing on the excavation technique produces three major types. Driven, drilled, and dug wells are the three main types. Of all the three types, dug wells are the oldest and they are very traditional. They cost cheaply to construct and are mostly found in rural regions. In comparison to dug wells, the depth and level of sophistication of driven wells is much greater.

Apart from classification of wells based on excavation method, they are also classified based on which aquifer they reach. This classification produces two types only, that is, deep/confined and shallow/unconfined wells. Wells get referred to as unconfined if their depth only ends in the uppermost aquifer. Those that have great depths, extending to deeply-seated aquifers are referred to as deep wells. Deeper aquifers in which deep wells are located are often placed between impermeable rock strata.

Another way of categorizing wells depends on the purpose the excavation is put to. Under this classification are two types only, that is, monitoring and production/ pumping wells. Production wells get made with comparatively bigger diameters in excess of 15 centimeters at times. Casing of the diameters is done using plastic, metal, and concrete among other materials. Pumping wells are for providing water for various uses.

Monitoring wells are also called piezometers. These ones have smaller diameters compared to their pumping counterparts. They are used for monitoring hydraulic heads or for sampling groundwater to be studied for presence of chemical constituents. Classification based on the use of a well is usually rather vague given the fact that monitoring wells can be used for pumping while pumping wells can be utilized passively for monitoring purposes.

Wells, particularly shallow ones are mostly affected by contamination. Contaminants take on many forms including chemicals, pathogens, and minerals. Fecal materials from animals and human beings are the sources of pathogen contaminants. Pathogens include fungi, bacteria, parasites, and viruses. Septic tanks and other on-site sanitation systems form the main sources of fecal materials which result in pathogen contamination.

Chemical contaminants are also very common. These ones come from nitrates from fertilizers, sewage, or sewage sludge. Other chemical contaminants are pesticides and VOCs that come from dry-cleaning and gasoline and perchlorate from rocket fuel and airbag inflators. Minerals are also common contaminants in wells due to leaching. Common mineral contaminants are arsenic, radon, uranium, lead, and chromium VI among others.

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